Monday, April 29, 2019


It's Friday and I'm working from home, from an interior room in my house, waiting out the second tornado warning in seven days. The first one scared me a bit. This is suburban Maryland, not Tornado Alley, and we don't see a lot of Wizard of Oz action around here. Or we didn't used to, because again--second time in a week. Climate change is real. And I'm jaded already. Other than moving a little farther away from the windows, I didn't do a darn thing to prepare for a tornado hit.

Well, that was quick. The tornado warning ended after 15 minutes. The roof is still attached to the house, and we're not in theoretical Kansas anymore. Onward.

Saturday morning. My son was supposed to have a baseball game this morning, which the league cancelled because of field conditions, then reinstated because the field dried quickly in this morning's bright sun and chilly wind, then cancelled again because they had already told the officials not to show up and those officials, busy men apparently, were no longer available.

I was also supposed to have some work to do this weekend, and now apparently I don't have work to do.

It would appear that I'm using the word "apparently" a lot.

Do you see what I did there?

Anyway. From having what I felt was too much to do in too short a time, I have all of a sudden ended up with more free time than I expected and as always, this is a source of panic rather than relief. Because if I don't figure out what to do then I'll feel that the day has gotten away from me, escaped me like a slippery fish, which is really what you get for trying to fish without a hook.

Anyway. It's feast or famine. I feel either overwhelmed or desolate, and there's no in-between. I think I'd like an in-between.

I'm a fun girl, aren't I?

It's Sunday now. Yesterday was actually a pretty good day. I planned and organized a bit. I wrote some things down. I manage stuff better when it's written down. Writing about something makes it real. There's a saying: If it's not documented, then it didn't happen. For me, if it's not documented, then it won't happen. So I documented the next month or so, and now I feel like it will happen, one way or another.

And do you see what happened? Yesterday was an in-between day. I wrote that I needed an in-between day, and voila. The pen really is mightier than the sword.

Speaking of writing, I am watching Season 2 of "The Crown" on Netflix. It's 1956, and Queen Elizabeth II is making last-minute changes to her Christmas speech after having listened to Prince Philip's speech from the royal yacht Britannia. It's an incredibly moving scene, as two people separated by thousands of miles and the breadth of the British Commonwealth and the weight of the Crown declare their love for one another--in a quiet and understated, but unmistakably clear way--in front of millions of listeners from all over the world.

April is almost over and not a second too soon. With May comes a pre-summer onslaught of last high school things and last middle school things, and I don't feel quite ready but I have a plan and it's in writing. It's documented, so it will happen.

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