Saturday, May 11, 2024


In the 25 years I’ve lived in Maryland, I’ve been rear-ended four times. The fourth time was yesterday, on my way home from work. I was at the intersection of Georgia Avenue and Hathaway Drive, the first car at the light, just waiting patiently for the light to turn green so that I could make the left turn onto northbound Georgia. 

The intersection is a slightly hairy one. One lane is a left turn only lane, and the other is for right turns and traffic proceeding directly across Georgia. The opposite intersection is the same way, and neither has a left turn arrow, which means that when you’re turning left, you have to wait until the oncoming traffic crosses Georgia. Unless you’re the lady who was right behind me, who saw the green light and just hit the gas and slammed into me. 

It was rather disconcerting to say the very least. It felt like quite an impact, forceful, and the crash noise was fairly loud too.My car is damaged and it needs to be fixed, but the damage is much less than I would have expected considering what the impact felt like. 


The next morning as we were waiting for the start of our daily meeting, I told my coworkers that I had been in a minor accident the previous night. Everyone was concerned and sympathetic. Then another coworker shared his own most recent road mishap. He is a cyclist, and when a driver blew past him screaming “Get off the road,” he decided to approach the person at the next stoplight to explain that he has exactly the same right to use the public thoroughfare as any motorist. This was a risky course of action; much safer for a man then a woman, but people are crazy and if a crazy person has a gun, then it won’t much matter if you’re a man or a woman. 

As it turns out, the angry motorist did have a weapon - a set of Hello Kitty brass knuckles. As my coworker tells it, the youngish (early 30s) woman brandished the brass knuckles, and said - with a straight face - “Do you want to mess with me? Do you want some of this?” He laughed aloud, as anyone would. Do I want some of this? What is “this”? Hello Kitty swag? Because obviously, yes please - who WOULDN’T want some of that? 

Hello Kitty brass knuckles - why does this exist? 


My little fender bender, which I know was minor though it didn’t feel minor at the time, was already an additional measure of fuel for what seems to be a growing case of agoraphobia. And now, of course, the bears are back. It’s May, and for the fourth or fifth year in a row, Montgomery County has seen an uptick in bear sightings. And not just in the quasi-rural north and western ends of the county, either - bear sightings were reported in Rockville and Silver Spring. Last year, we had a bear on the Navy base although you’d think that if a bear was considering enlisting, he’d go right for the Army. They’re already experts at land navigation, bears are, and so he’d nail that part of basic training. These bear visits, once considered rare and anomalous, are now apparently just a fact of life in the DMV.  My newsfeeds are filled with stories about suburban bears (and urban, because there’s a bear in NW, too), complete with commentary from experts telling us to learn to coexist with bears because they’re here to stay. They live here now. They’re our neighbors. So now I’m scared to drive anywhere (more so than even usual) and I’m also scared to walk anywhere. But of course, I’ll still do both. 


There are so many situations in which a Y chromosome would come in handy, and none more so than dealing with an auto body shop. I have to get the car fixed, and I planned to take it to the same shop that fixed my old car after my son’s accident in 2021. I called them this morning, thinking that it would be smart to ask them to look at the car, figure out what needs to be done and how long it will take and what parts they’ll need; and then let them order those parts, and come back when they’re ready to do the work. That is good thinking, right? I thought so. But apparently not. Apparently, that’s dumb girl thinking.

“Oh no,” he said. “You can’t bring it in today. We don’t have any openings until the 20th. And we’ll probably have to order parts, so it would just be sitting here.” 

Hmm, I thought. Is that not exactly what I said? I think that’s exactly what I said, and I politely pointed this out. 

“Yes,” he said patiently. “But I mean if we order parts, and then we take everything apart and find that we need MORE parts.” 

The damage is minor, and there’s nothing to take apart - just replace the bumper, pull out a little dent on the back door, and paint. Easy peasy. My husband said the same thing when I relayed the conversation to him. I hadn’t bothered to push back on the body shop guy.  “I should have called them myself,” he said. Even men admit this now. Even men acknowledge that a woman isn’t going to get a straight answer from anyone in the automotive profession. 

Don’t @ me. It is what it is. 


I have an appointment with the body shop now. I’m still a little nervous at stoplights (I keep looking in my rearview mirror to make sure that the car coming up behind me is slowing down enough to stop short of my bumper) and my head and shoulders don’t hurt anymore. All’s well that ends well as far as that goes. I have no idea what I’ll do if (when) the bear shows up in my neighborhood or on the walking track at work. Brass knuckles, I guess. Hoping the bears won’t want some of that. 

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