Sunday, March 17, 2019

The road is rising up to meet me

I’m sorry about the rush. I get anxious when I travel.” (Melissa McCarthy as Lee Israel in “Can You Ever Forgive Me.”)

Truer words were never spoken.

It's Saturday night, 8:25 PM EDT, meaning 1:25 AM or so Dublin time. I have no idea what time it actually is because I have no idea where I actually am other than somewhere high over the Atlantic Ocean. I’m lucky that I’m a fairly small person. Coach class on Aer Lingus is not for the faint of heart, nor is it for the long of leg.

And I’m not as faint of heart as I normally am either. A glass of wine helped me through some rather bouncy turbulence an hour back or so. Now I’m waiting for dinner and half-watching “Can You Ever Forgive Me,” a movie that I have already seen and will probably see again on my way back across the Atlantic next week.

The worst part of leaving home is saying goodbye and with that part over, I’m fine now. We’ll be in Dublin in three hours or so, just as St. Patrick’s Day is dawning. A handful of my fellow passengers are in full American-Irish SPD garb (including one woman who is wearing, I give you my word, an “Erin Go Bra-Less” t-shirt) but most of us are in standard coach passenger airplane attire. Nondescript and comfortable.

It’s the end of the movie, the heartbreaking scene in the courtroom where Lee Israel bares her soul and admits her guilt and her cowardice. I haven’t seen “The Favourite” yet, and I’m sure that Olivia Colman is wonderful but it’s hard for me to imagine a better movie performance in 2018 than Melissa McCarthy as Lee Israel. It’s even better the second time around.

The plane is shaking a tiny bit, and it’s pitch dark outside the few windows that aren’t closed. They’re bringing dinner around. I’m not very hungry but I might need one more class of wine. I get anxious when I travel.

Sunday morning. A clear and cold morning in Dublin. We arrived at 5:30 AM local time and watched the sun come up as we waited for the shuttle to our hotel. At some point, I'm sure I'll feel the lack of sleep, but for now, we're ready for the parade. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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