Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Bilge is Back

Where to even begin?

I'm sitting on my couch, watching "As Good as it Gets"; rather, I'm half-watching it while I start some preliminary reading for a class that starts on Monday. Jack Nicholson is yelling at Greg Kinnear: "I'm drowning here, and you're describing the water!"

That, I think, would make a funny post title. And that quickly, the bilge is back.

I started blogging six years ago, and continued more or less regularly for 3 1/2 years or so, before dropping off the face of the Internet sometime in 2010.  No particular reason, really, other than that something had to give.  And as far as that's concerned, this isn't any better time than any other to try to start blogging regularly again.  I'm still (still. STILL. STILL!) in school, God help me. I'm almost done, but "almost" means at least two, possibly three classes and one more CLEP exam between me and my diploma.  It's possible (likely) that I'll either post so infrequently that I'll forget that I even have a blog, or that I'll just abruptly stop one day.

It's two days later now.  The class that starts next week is a history class on the Renaissance and the Reformation.  I wanted a class on the Middle Ages, but none were offered and I wanted to take my last (last!!!) elective this semester, so it's the Renaissance and the Reformation for me.  I know pitifully little about either, and I'm all agog so far.  It won't last though.  Four weeks from now, I'll be up to my neck in Henry's wives and Martin Luther's theses  and Chicago style and I'll be cursing the day that I was born.   More likely, I'll be blogging about writing a paper, rather than actually writing it-drowning, in fact, and describing the water. 


Blogging has changed so much since I've been away.  I feel like Zelig. I did used to have a Twitter feed on my sidebar (I was an early adopter with Twitter, in fact), but I haven't yet learned how to smoothly integrate writing with audio-visual content with social media with syndication/feed services.  So I'm blogging for the Stone Age. No sidebar, no links to anything, no social networking, and no Redditing, Stumbling, or Pinning.  I'll get around to all of that later, maybe.  Right now, it's nice to be back.

1 comment:

  1. I am completely embarrassed and mortified to not know you were out here. SMH... Anyway NOW I know and when I get home, I will make sure I follow you. Signed, an obsessive fan, of the not dangerous sort!
